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Electric Motors
Permanent Magnet Motor
Arm 0-220VDC
Arm Current 0.9A
Output 123W
Speed 1500 rpm
Other Values available
Shunt/Separately excited Motor
Arm & Exc. 0-220VDC
Arm Current 0.9A
Excitation 0.13
Output 123W
Speed 1500 rpm
Other values available
Other values available
DC Series Motor
Arm & Exc. 0-220VDC
Arm & Exc. 1.1A
Output 123W
Speed 4000 rpm
Other values available
DC Compound Motor
Armature voltage 0 – 220VDC
Excitation. 220VDC
Armatre current 0.9A
Max output 123W
Speed 1500 rpm
Other values available
Universal Motor
Armature & excitation Voltage 200VAC/DC
Max Current 0.9A
Max Power 123W
Rotation rpm 4000DC- 3000AC
DC Generator
Excitation 22oV DC
Excitation Current 0.13A
Mac Output Voltage 220VDC
Output power 1000W
Max Speed 1500 rpm
Magnetic Power Brake
Complete with controller
Displaying all parameters
Three phase squirrel cage motor
Volts 230/400
Amps 0.83/0.84
Freq. 50Hz
Power 120W
Speed 1400 rpm
Other values available
Two speed Three phase squirrel cage motor
Volts 400
Amps 0.92/0.48
Freq. 50Hz
Power 120W
Speed 1400 rpm
Other values available
Single phase Cap. Start & Run
Volts 230
Amps 1.36
Freq. 50Hz
Power 120W
Speed 2800 rpm
Other values available
Single Cap. Start motor
Volts 230
Amps 1.36
Freq. 50Hz
Power 120W
Speed 2800 rpm
Other values available.

Electrical/Electronic Benches
These benches are supplied eitehr bare or with your selection of instruments.

We offer 7 different fiberoptics labs:
Basic Communications
Advanced Communications
Universal Communications
Industrial Fiberoptics Lab A
Industrial Fiberoptics Lab B
Laser Optics

Instruments - Virtual
Multimeter AC/DC, Function Generator, Dual Channel Digital Storage Scope, Signal Analyser, Digital Signal Generator, Logic Analyser.

Motor Controls (Motor Control Laboratory)
Assemble all standard motor starting circuits, AC and DC, including Slip Ring (Wound Rotor) motors, PLC controls, etc. Wide range of voltages available.

PCB Manufacturing
We have put together various kits to include all the items required to teach your students how to manufacture PC boards.
Develop -> Spray Wash -> Etch -> Spray Wash -> Resist strip -> Spray Wash -> Immerse Tin

PLC Basic Trainer
Standard industrial PLC mounted on board which allows it to be used as a basic or advanced trainer. Complete with power supply and software. Simulcards are supplied to simulate a variety of situations.

Power Electronics
Use this lab to perform power electronics experiments and also use it to investigae power electronics devices and their applications such as in alarm circuits, flashers, rectifiers, choppers, inverters etc

Power Supplies Heavy Current AC/DC
All types available from 2A table top units to 20Amp wheeled units - Single or three phase.

Power Supplies DC
0 ~ 30Volts
0 ~ 3 Amps
Short circuit proof.

Power Supply Individually Variable
380VAC 5A per phase

Power Transmission
The system simulates the conditions encountered in the distribution of electric power from a main power station via a transmission centre to standard users such as residential, commercial and industrial. A second power plant can be put in operation when required at peak demand times. Additionally the power may be exported or imported into the net and faults may be inserted for student's total comprehension. Any parameter can be altered at will and its effect can immediately be seen throughout the grid.

Transmission Lines
For Power System Students: Performance of transmission
lines by using:
Short line -
Medium length with capacitance, effect using T and π method
Long line – Fully adjustable.

RLC Loads
Three different units to give you all the necessary resistive, Inductive and Capacitive loads that you may need in your laboratory.

Transformer Trainer - Basic
Single and three phase transformer - Polarity testing - current and voltage in different configurations - open and short circuit test - transformer efficiency.

Transformer - Vector Notation
The only Vector Group Clock Notation trainer to investigate the phase shift between high and low voltage windings of a transformer. Using a “Clock Notation” we refer to the standard 12 hour clock face. There are 12 segments in a 360o clock face, each one representing a 30o phase shift. Relating back to the clock notation 1 o-clock is 30 degrees, 2 = 60 degrees, 3 = 90 degrees….12 = 0 degrees or 360 degrees

Variable Speed Drives
The trainer is based on one of the most advanced AC drive unit, Yaskawa V1000, specially adapted for a modern educational environment, allowing the student to simulate most of the functions present in advanced units and as applied in industry

Basic Electricity (Electric Lab 700)
The complete starter kit for when your students are more interested in the components rather than the circuits. From series and parallel to the diode, magnetism, electromagnetism, motors, generators, Lentz's Law and much more.

Bread Boards
Our bread boards are now made of durable transparent plastic for ease of circuit recognition by your students. In a variety of sizes.

Digital Electronics
The bench mark of all electronic trainers. Includes all the instruments necessary for the complete electronic workstation: Power supplies, AC and DC, Breadboards, Function Generator, Speaker, Multimeters, Displays etc. Removable breadboards can be replaced with specialised training modules - can be customised to your requirement.